Image by slightly_different from Pixabay
It’s well established that upon finishing high school, many teens with autism spectrum disorders are left without the proper support or health services that they previous had access to during their school-age years. In fact, in a survey of 400 participants, nearly 40 percent of young adults with ASD enrolled in special education failed to receive any speech therapy, case management, mental health services or other health services after they turned 18.
There’s been little research as to what happens to teens with autism once they reach adulthood. Due to challenges with communication and social interaction, as well as their greater reliance on others for aid and high rates of co-morbid medical problems, young adults with autism are particularly vulnerable during this time.
This transition process that takes young people with special needs from childhood to adulthood usually occurs between the ages of 14 and 22 and must promote movement from school to post-school activities.
All children, whether or not they have a disability, have rights, talents and dreams. For students with special needs, the key to a smooth transition into adulthood is founded on recognizing their unique gifts, abilities and goals. Transition can be much more successful if a student has access to all the support and services that permit him or her to live as independently as possible.
Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Rehabilitation Act, students with disabilities have the right to substantial assistance in making the most of their transition years. Students covered by IDEA are required to begin transition planning at age 14, with at least a statement in their education plan (IEP) of the supports and services that they’ll need during their high school years. By age 16, students covered by IDEA are legally required to have a transition services plan (TIEP) covering all their needs to move toward successful adulthood. The funding and the services available through IDEA are not available once a student has received a high school diploma or aged out of the school system, so it is critical that these services are set up while the student is in the school system.
However, even when available, students don’t always get the services they’re entitled to. That can be because the law and regulations are not well understood, because providers are short on money or time or because the student’s transition team lacks an energetic, knowledgeable and determined leader.
The student and his or her team select goals for adulthood. The activities and services in the plan are designed to reach those goals. The outcome must be based on the student’s needs, preferences and interests. Some goals and services to be considered during the transition are:
• Vocational rehabilitation
• Vocational counseling
• Vocational training
• College
• Career, trade or profession
• Integrated employment (alongside non-disabled colleagues)
• Supported employment
• Self employment
• Continuing and adult education
• Adult services
• Assistive technology
• Independent living
• Community participation (experiences such as attending church, taking public transportation, using the library)
Because not a lot of emphasis is placed on meeting the needs of individuals with special needs once they finish high school, families can turn to The National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) for assistance and advocacy.
The National Disability Rights Network is a federally mandated, non-profit membership organization created to protect and advocate for basic rights for individuals with a wide range of disabilities, including, but not limited to, those with cognitive, mental, sensory and physical disabilities. The NDRN members ensure accountability in education, health care, employment, housing, transportation and within the juvenile and criminal justice systems. They also investigate reports of abuse and neglect, and seek systemic change to prevent further incidents.
Well-managed transition years can be a time to prepare for adulthood, make workable living arrangements and line up the services and technology that can supply freedom, competence and mastery of life for a young adult with autism.
For more resources about Transition and Transition Planning, visit
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