DAN Doctor Directory Offers Alternatives for Parents of Children With Autism


DAN! (Defeat Autism Now) doctors are physicians who follow the "DAN Protocol,", which involves various forms of biomedical treatments, which may include Methyl B-12 injections, nutritional supplements, chelation, IVIG, and implementation of the GFCF diet.

Many parents have claimed tremendous success in treating their children with autism using DAN doctors. However, many DAN! physicians are often criticized by the mainstream medical community because of their unconventional treatment methods. Additionally, medical insurance typically does not cover the costs associated with DAN treatments, and many of these autism doctors have rates that average between $300 to $400 per hour, not including supplements or medication.

Despite some negative publicity involving DAN treatment and DAN doctors (see Dr. Andrew Wakefield), there are many, many instances of children and adults with autism improving from the use of DAN biomedical treatments. Some have even claimed that autism is reversible using these biomedical treatment methods.

To find a Defeat Autism Now physician in your area, follow this link: https://www.healing-arts.org/children/amyholmes.htm#danlist

This partial list breaks down DAN practitioners by state.  As a side note and disclaimer, we do not endorse any of the listed physicians.  This is merely a resource to investigate whether or not a DAN doctor is right for you or your child.