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Autism Awareness
Improvement Needed in Autism Inclusion Programs
Last year, autism rights activist Ari Ne’eman was appointed to the National Council on Disability as the first openly autistic presidential appointee in American
history. Ne´eman points out that both the law and an overwhelming body of…
Temple Grandin: Changing the Face of Autism
Temple Grandin was thrust into the national spotlight
nearly one year ago year after the release of HBO's critically acclaimed movie, Temple
Grandin. She then became a near-household name last month after Claire
Danes, who portrayed her…
Autism Sunday and Autism Twitter Storm on February 13th
The International Day of Prayer for Autism and Asperger's Syndrome aka
"Autism Sunday," will be observed this
Sunday, February 13, 2011. The annual event, which was originally started in 2002 by
residents Ivan and…
Law Enforcement Officials Still Unequipped to Handle Autism
A wrongful death suit against the Los Angeles Police Department highlights the need for police to be
properly trained in recognizing and interacting with
children with autism.Mohammad Chaudhry, a twenty-eight year old Pakistani-American…
Why Parents Should Publicize a Child’s Autism
I have been somewhat criticized for making myself and my child a
"walking billboard" for autism. I have listened to and given much thought
on this matter, keeping my child's privacy in mind. However, my most recent…