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Autism Awareness
Autism Law Set to Expire Later this Year
In the closing days of Autism Awareness Month, the White House sponsored an Autism Awareness Conference. Senior Adviser to the President, Valerie Jarrett and Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius,
spoke to an audience of…
New Screening Test Helps Identify Autism in Infants
The Journal of Pediatrics has just released the results of a study that implemented a screening questionnaire for over 10,000 infants and reportedly was able to identify early signs of autism and other developmental disorders in children as…
Asperger Syndrome in Girls More Common than Once Thought
Asperger's Syndrome (or Asperger Syndrome or AS) is a form of high functioning autism, characterized by obsessive interests and a difficulty in making friends. While commonly characterized as a “mild” form of autism, it is devastating in…
Autism Awareness Month Still a Work in Progress
Leading up to this year's Autism Awareness Month, I began with real hope in my heart. I knew that a trailer would be released on April 1st for a new documentary film entitled "The United States of Autism" that my family and I were…
Fire Safety for Children on the Autism Spectrum
Lately, much attention has been given to the problems of autism wandering and the risky interaction between autistic individuals and the police. A less discussed and equally important issue that combines elements of the other two is fire…
Another Child with Autism Wanders and Drowns
In what has seemingly become a regular occurrence, another child has tragically
died in a wandering and drowning-related incident, this time near Tulsa,
Four-year-old Blake Murrell, who had autism and was non-verbal,…
Martial Arts Proven Beneficial for Individuals with Autism
A recent and growing trend that has provided many benefits for children on the autism spectrum involves their engagement in karate and other martial arts.
A 2010 research project conducted by the University of Wisconsin physical therapy…
Autism Documentary Seeks Additional Funding for Release
With the launch of this month's critically acclaimed autism documentary,
"Wretches and Jabberers," another autism film that has
yet-to-be-released is quietly creating a buzz online and in the blogosphere.
Spanking in Schools Still Legal in Nineteen States
Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Wyoming.
These are the remaining states…
UN Secretary-General Addresses Autism
On April 6 in New York City, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon issued these remarks to a panel discussion on “Solving the Autism Public Health Puzzle: Regional and International
"I am honored to be here today…