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Autism Awareness
Free Autism Conference to Focus on Safety Issues
As autism rates continue to climb, so too does the problem of safety-related incidents, many of which result in injury or death. In the past year alone, it seemed as if a month didn't go by without some kind of tragic story involving…
New Study Finds IQ Tests Underestimate Autism Intelligence
A new study published at finds that traditional IQ testing likely underestimates the intelligence of individuals on the autism spectrum. The common perception that autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are characterized by uneven…
Aspiritech Provides Tech Jobs for Individuals with Autism
It's common knowledge that adult individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are chronically underemployed or unemployed. But shockingly, a 2009 U.S. Department of Education survey found that the employment rate for young adults with…
Neuroscientist Links Autism with Internet Use
Neuroscientist Baroness Greenfield of Oxford University has created a firestorm of controversy by correlating autism with increased computer use amongst children. She contends that the use of social networking Web sites is altering…
Psychiatrist Deems Autism “Fashionable”
The DSM-IV is the diagnostic manual that defines all psychiatric disorders. After much controversy, Asperger's Syndrome is now being included in the DSM-5 (2013 edition) as an autism spectrum disorder, relinquishing its once separate…
The Path to Autism Self-Advocacy
As parents of children with autism, we are their best advocate and indeed, advocating for them becomes a full-time job in itself. In the best of all possible outcomes, our children will one day be able to advocate for themselves. …
Autism Conference Set to Educate and Unite Attendees
Beginning this Wednesday, July 6, the Autism Society of America Foundation will hold its annual conference in Orlando, Florida. This will mark the organization's 42nd conference and is one of the largest of its kind in the nation. The…
Autism and Hoarding
For individuals with autism, the world of interpersonal relationships can be strange and harrowing.
Uncomfortable on teams, the camaraderie of sports often eludes them. A simple thing such as recess at school is fraught with peril.…
New Book a Disservice to Individuals with Autism
A new book, The Science of Evil, is certainly not doing any favors for the autism community. Written by Simon Baron-Cohen, a professor of developmental psychology at the University of Cambridge and director of the university’s Autism…
The Stress of Recess for Children with Autism
Parents of children with autism are painfully aware that recess time can be the worst part of their child's school day. The piercing sound of the bell signals a time of loud, chaotic activity that is in and of itself difficult, but the…