Psychiatrist Deems Autism “Fashionable”
The DSM-IV is the diagnostic manual that defines all psychiatric disorders. After much controversy, Asperger's Syndrome is now being included in the DSM-5 (2013 edition) as an autism spectrum disorder, relinquishing its once separate…
Syracuse University to Host Free Neurodiversity Conference
Neurodiversity is both a concept and a movement that maintains autism to be a variation of human brain wiring rather than
something to be eradicated. Proponents seek to improve the quality of life of those with autism and to promote their…
Meditation and Autism
Meditation is as old as the hills. Now, some researchers are conducting new studies into its benefits. Richard Davidson, a neuroscientist at the University of Wisconsin, has used high-tech imaging tools to examine the brains of Buddhist…
Advocacy Group Boosts Autism Employment Prospects
Founded by National Council on Disability (NCD) appointee Ari Ne'eman, The Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN) was approached last May by several large American corporations who wanted to hire individuals with autism for internships and…
Back to School Preparation for Children with Autism
July is drawing to a close and for parents of children with autism, it's a good time to start preparing for a child's return to school. The more time a child has to adjust to impending changes in his or her routine, the better.…
The Literal Mind of Autism
A common characteristic of those on the autism spectrum is the difficulty in grasping abstract concepts, meaning non-tangible ideas, objects or things are often difficult to understand. Thus, the majority of those with autism are concrete…
David Byrne: Another Talented Individual with Autism
One of my favorite bands of all time is Talking Heads, the American New Wave band formed in 1974 in New York City and active until 1991. David Byrne, Chris Frantz, Tina Weymouth and Jerry Harrison comprised the band that fused elements of…
Nine-Year-Old with Autism Still Being Kept from Father
I'm sorry to have to provide an upsetting update from my previous article, The State vs. Autism Families. Nine-year-old Ayn Van Dyk, who was taken from her home after being safely recovered after a wandering incident, is still in the…
Addressing the Autism Education Crisis
A recent article decrying the fact that Mississippi requires no autism training for its special education teachers struck me as hardly newsworthy.
The reality is that special education teacher requirements vary drastically from…
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Autism
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a form of therapy that involves breathing pure oxygen in a hyperbaric chamber. While originally designed to treat "the bends" in divers, its applications have expanded to include carbon monoxide…