What are the Best States for Autism Services in 2024?
The quality and availability of autism services can vary significantly from one state to another in the United States. What makes a state "best" for autism services can be extremely subjective and depends on various factors, including…
10 Famous People Diagnosed With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism has long been misunderstood but as society grows in understanding and acceptance, we realize that many accomplished individuals – from history to the present day – fall on the autism spectrum. Let's explore some of the more notable…
Selective Service and Autism: Can Your Child Be Drafted?
The Selective Service System (SSS) plays a critical role in the United States, maintaining a list of potential draftees in case a military draft is ever reinstated. While many young Americans are required to register with the Selective…
Autism Masking
How would you feel if every single action you took had to be carefully self-monitored? What if you had to hide pieces of yourself in order to "blend in" and conform to the societal norm? The very thought of these issues would be exhausting.…
Autism and Empathy
Anxiety is an elemental aspect of autism that severely impacts the lives of ASD individuals. Researchers are beginning to hone in not just on the fact of that anxiety, but the nature of it. Alexithymia is the term for having trouble…
Renowned Autism Expert Dr. Tony Attwood Realizes His Adult Son Has Asperger’s Syndrome
Twelve years ago, I went to an all-day conference in Seattle featuring Australian Dr. Tony Attwood, the world’s foremost authority on Asperger’s Syndrome. Listening to one person for that many hours seemed like it would be an ordeal, but he…
Housing Adults with Autism: The Next Emerging Challenge
A silver lining of the pandemic is that now 52% of all adult Americans under the age of 29 are living with their families. In and of itself, this is not good news, but for adults with autism who have always lived with their families, it…
Camouflaging Autism
Autism is frequently conceptualized as a litany of odd behaviors, mannerisms and observable traits that distinguish an autistic person from a "normal" one. Historically, much credence has been placed in undoing those abnormal attributes so…
Making Authentic Friendships (MAF): A New Autism Social Network
In the midst of this pandemic, it’s nigh unto impossible to address the isolation of individuals on the autism spectrum who were already socially estranged before the virus hit. My young adult ASD son invariably turns to social media, which…
The Role of Siblings in Autism Families
Siblings of individuals on the autism spectrum have their own unique cross to bear. They are frequently overshadowed by the needs of their ASD sibling and the role they play in the family goes largely unaddressed by service providers.…