Heartwarming Moment As Blind Girl With Autism Plays Guitar For First Time


A heartwarming video has emerged from the English coastal town of Grimsby, which features a seven-year-old girl with autism who is also blind and requires a wheelchair.

Uploaded by 55-year-old street performer Clifford Woodage, the video captures the moment Lacie Law hears music and is permitted to strum an acoustic guitar for the very first time.

Lacie was out with her grandmother and was drawn in by the music as she passed by.

Woodage said, “Her Grandma said she could hear the music and got excited and so [she] let her stop and listen. She told me that she was blind but for me I didn’t see that. She said she is autistic but again, I saw a very intelligent little 7 year old girl.”

The touching video received media attention from several UK outlets and has been viewed over 1 million times on Facebook.

Woodage added, “I was super blessed that day, that is the power of music and a connection right there. Thank you Lacie for the beautiful connection.”

Lacie’s mom said that her daughter loves music and the chance encounter with Woodage has inspired her to further pursue her passion.

“I’m thinking now that I ought to get her involved in music in some way. We should embrace this.”