Autism Group Offers Free Safety Kit to Caregivers
Wandering-related episodes involving those with autism is a serious issue and stories seem to come in on a weekly basis pertaining to the topic. Unfortunately, not all of them have happy endings.
Many autism groups and organizations have been pushing to curb this epidemic, and some have emerged as leaders in advocacy for autism safety and awareness. For example, Autism Risk and Safety Management, founded by Dennis Debbaudt, is an organization that trains police, law enforcement professionals and first responders on how to properly diffuse potentially adverse situations involving children and adults with autism. Debbaudt is a former law enforcement official and an autism father that offers informative seminars and training across the country.
The National Autism Association is another group that has advocated for increased safety and awareness for those with autism, particularly in the areas of wandering and restrain & seclusion. Taking its plight to the next level, the NAA has just announced the second launch of its “Big Red Safety Box,” a special kit that includes items and information to help prevent wandering-related incidents by those with autism spectrum disorders.
For a limited time (and while supplies last), the Big Red Safety Box is being offered to parents, families and caregivers of those with autism. The kits are limited to one per family and will be packaged and shipped by a company that employs adults with autism and other developmental disorders. Each box will include:
1) Educational materials and tools:
- A caregiver checklist
- A Family Wandering Emergency Plan
- A first-responder profile form
- A wandering-prevention brochure
- A sample IEP Letter
2) Two (2) GE Door Alarms
3) One (1) Who’s Shoe ID
This free resource is being made available, thanks to some generous sponsors and donors that have stepped up to the plate. Supplies will be limited, so be sure to head on over to https://www.nationalautismassociation.org and reserve your box today.
For those who would like to support this great initiative, the NAA is looking for sponsors to help keep the program going after supplies run out.
Drowning resulting from wandering-related episodes continues to be the leading cause of death of those with autism spectrum disorders. Hopefully, with programs like these, that will no longer be the case in the very near future.